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About us

For more than a decade, Elizma Smuts and her team have been preparing gourmet meals for discerning guests at weddings, conferences, and private functions at their bespoke venue, Delsma Farm, close to the village of Riebeek Kasteel. From the success of this enterprise, “Toast”, a foodie destination that quickly made a name for itself, was born. A talented chef who is equally comfortable cooking either comfort food from virtually nothing or a gastronomic 5-course dinner, Elizma finally succumbed to the countless requests, received over the years, to produce a range of easy-to-prepare, premium-quality foods to match the on-the-go lifestyles of their loyal base of enthusiastic clients. They are proud to present to you their new range, called “Homemade at Toast” with carefully selected ingredients that are skilfully put together to ensure meals that are fondly familiar and universally popular.

What Makes Our Menus Special ?

Pure Ingredients

To give our food the best flavor and to always deliver the best product, we only use the freshest and purest ingredients.


Our production is self-sustaining, we grow our own fruit and vegetables, and we always return whatever we take back to the earth.


Keeping an eye on the environment around us, trying to stay green with our food, as well as reducing our carbon footprint is important to us.

Formula Transparency

Our recipes are constantly tweaked to make them better, and we are also upfront about where our food comes from and what environment it comes from.

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